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    Select Your Category

    Choose your main category carefully as your profile will be referenced in search using this category

    Enter Your Profile Tag Line

    Example: Cost Control , Feasibility Study , E-Commerce

    Enter You Location

    By indicating your main location, you are most likely to be contacted by local employers close to your city

    Enter You Location

    Please indicate all of the skills that you think are relevant to the specialities you picked or what the clients might be looking for Include in your skillset any tools or technologies you mastered over the years, interpersonal or managerial skills, and any expertise in specific sectors. The first 10 skills you pick will be highlighted in your profile and references in search results

    Your Level Of Experience

    There are three levels that you can choose from to indicate how experienced are you in your area of expertise.
    Beginners (0 - 2 years), Intermediate (3 - 5 years) and Expert (6 years and above).

    What is your hourly rate?

    Hourly rate


    Daily rate 


    Indicate an average hourly rate that you would be comfortable with. For daily rates, we will multiply the hourly rate by 8 hours per day.

    Your Phone Number

    You will only be contacted by team in case their is an enterprise opportunity that needs your attention.
    Your phone number will not be publicly displayed on your profile.


    Phone No